London, April 11. - Great crowds of people gathered outside and inside Bow Street Police Court today when Oscar Wilde and Alfred Taylor were brought from the prison at an early hour in a Black Maria. When he appeared in the dock Wilde looked haggard and worn and greatly changed. He today was much subdued, although he smiled once or twice at certain questions which were put to him. He was dressed as faultlessly as ever, carrying a shining silk hat in his hand and displaying on his ungloved fingers many sparkling gems.
LONDON, April 11. -- Great crowds of people were gathered at the Bow Street Police Court today when Oscar Wilde and Alfred Taylor were brought from the prison at an early hour in a "black maria." The court opened at 11 o'clock, with both prisoners in the dock. Wilde looked haggard and worn, and it was noticed that he has greatly changed since he appeared on the witness stand of the Old Bailey to prosecute his suit for libel against the Marquis of Queensberry. Wilde today was much more subdued, though he smiled once or twice at certain questions which were put to him. He was dressed as faultlessly as ever, carrying a shining silk hat and displaying on his ungloved hand many sparkling gems.
Taylor, who is charged with having acted as procurer for the author, behaved in the same sneeringly indifferent manner as when arraigned last week. The prisoners' lawyers today delayed the proceedings in every possible way.
Charles Parker, the 19-year-old witness who testified Saturday last, was again placed in the witness box today and subjected to cross-examination by Sir Edward Clarke, but his testimony was not shaken. Fred Atkins, 20 years of age, a variety singer, said Wilde took him to Paris in 1893. He added that Wilde gave him a silver cigarette case and money. Asked if he did any writing for Wilde, witness replied: "Yes. I wrote something about ‘A Woman of No Importance.'"
Edward Shelly, formerly in the employ of Elkin & Matthews, said in 1891 Wilde called at the latter’s store and thus witness made the prisoner’s acquaintance. Shelly told how Wilde gave him copies of his works with tender inscriptions, took him to theaters, to the Prince of Wales's club , and to other resorts.
A number of disreputable lodging-house-keepers from the Chelsea district of London, in which Wilde’s home is situated, and several servants testified to Wilde's visits to these houses in company with youths. The proprietor of the hotel at Albemarle also testified as to how he issued a writ for a week’s bill in order to prevent Wilde from returning to that establishment. Wilde and Taylor were remanded for a week, bail being refused.