London, April 6. -- (Copyright, 1895, by the Associated Press.) - With the Wilde-Queensberry and Russell vs. Russell cases in th courts here, the burning to death of a woman in Ireland, under extraordinary circumstances, by her husband and other relatives on the ground that she was bewitched; the shooting of a girl by her lover in the streets of London and the man's subsequent suicide, one would have thought that the English press had enough to do in correcting its own morals this week. But, these events have not disturbed the usual self-sufficient tendency to lecture the United States. The Daily News and other newspapers attribute the result of the Chicago election entirely to the work of Messrs. Stead and Burns.
Naturally the Wilde disclosures continue to be the absorbing topic of conversation at the clubs, etc. The stand taken by the St James Gazette, in refusing to print the details of the case is attracting much attention and the paper has been deluged with letters of approval. The action of the St. James Gazette is likely to prove a good stroke of business for the proprietors of that publication. On Thursday last, the second day of the trial, in place of the usual news placards, which all the newsboys display, the placard of the St. James Gazette reads: "The Only Paper in London With no Details of the Wilde Case."
Naturally the Wilde disclosures continue to be the absorbing topic of conversation at the clubs, etc. The stand taken by the St. James Gazette in refusing to print the details of the case is attracting much attention and the paper has been deluged with leters of approval. The action of the Gazette is likely to prove a good stroke of business for the proprietors of that publication. On Thursday last, the second day of the trial, in place of the usual news placards displayed by all the newsboys, the placard of the St. James Gazette read: