Most similar paragraph from
The World - Wednesday, April 24, 1895
LONDON, April 24. - Oscar Wilde's home was sold out by the Sheriff to-day in the presence of a great crowd of curiosity mongers.
LONDON, April 24. -- Oscar Wilde's home was sold out by the Sheriff to-day in the presence of a great crowd of curiosity-mongers.
The application of counsel for Wilde to have his trial, which is set down for next Friday, at the Old Bailey Court, postponed on the ground that his lawyers have not had sufficient time to prepare for the defense, and that the present state of public feeling made a fair trial impossible, was refused to-day.
The application of counsel for Oscar Wilde to have his trial, which is set down for Friday next, postponed, on the ground that his lawyers have not had sufficient time to prepare for the defense, and that the present state of public feeling made a fair trial impossible, was refused to-day.