LONDON, May 1.— The jury in the case of Oscar Wilde has disagreed. The accused will be tried again at the Central Criminal Court's next session.
In the Old Bailey Court to-day Justice Charles summed up the case against Wilde and Taylor. The justice said counsel for the prosecution acted wisely in withdrawing the charge of conspiracy brought against Wilde as he, Justice Charles, would have ordered the jury to bring in a verdict of not guilty on that specification. The justice urged the jury not to be influenced by Wilde's writings, saying that many great men had written indecently.
The jury retired at 1.30 P. M. At 3 P. M. they requested that lunch be given them. After lunch, the jury resumed their deliberations and afterwards returned and announced that there was no possibility of their coming to an agreement as to a verdict.
Counsel for the prisoners then made application for bail, but his request was refused and a fresh jury will probably be summoned.
Sir Edward Clarke, after the disagreement was announced to-day, made application for bail, but his request was refused and a fresh jury will probably be summoned.
When the news of the disagreement reached the outside of the court room there was great excitement among the crowds in the streets.
Wilde will be tried again at the next session of the Central Criminal Court. Throughout the proceedings to-day he was very pale, but he did not show any signs of elation when the result of the deliberations of the jury was made known.