Original paragraph in
The Sun - Monday, April 8, 1895
Most similar paragraph from
The New York Times - Monday, April 8, 1895
LONDON, April 7. - Sydney Grundy, the dramatist, has written the Daily Telegraph a letter regarding the removal of Oscar Wilde's name from the programmes of his plays. He asks:
LONDON, April 7. -- Sydney Grundy, the dramatist, has written The Daily Telegraph a letter regarding the removal of Oscar Wilde's name from the programme of his plays. He asks:
"By what principle of justice or charity is the author's name blotted from his work? If a man is not to be credited with what he has done well, by what right is he punished for what he has done ill?"
"By what principle of justice or charity is the author's name blotted fro his work? If a man is not to be credited with what he has done well, by what right is he punished for what he has done ill?"