Original paragraph in
The Sun - Wednesday, May 22, 1895
Most similar paragraph from
The Boston Post - Wednesday, May 22, 1895
LONDON, May 21. - The Marquis of Queensberry met his son, Lord Alfred Douglas, in Piccadilly shortly after the conclusion of the Taylor trial this afternoon, when he stopped him and abused him roundly for continuing to uphold Oscar Wilde. There was much violent language on both sides, and the quarrel soon reached the point of blows.
Both the Marquis of Queensberry and his son were arrested and taken to the Vine street police station, followed by a crowd. After a short detention in the station, the father and son were released.
Another report has it that the Marquis and Lord Alfred fought with sticks and fists, the son getting much the worse of it, showing several bad contusions in the face. The Marquis, upon leaving the police station, showed traces of having been engaged in an affray. He was cheered by the crowd until he drove off in a cab.
Another report has it that the marquis and Lord Alfred fought in the street with sticks and fists, the son getting the worst of it, showing several bad contusions in the face. The marquis, upon leaving the police station, showed traces of having been engaged in an affray. He was cheered by the crowd until he drove off in a cab.
The Marquis of Queensberry and his son, Lord Alfred, have been summoned to appear in the Marlborough Street Court to-morrow morning to answer the charge of disorderly conduct and fighting on the street.