NEW YORK, April 9. - By order of the Trustees of the Newark Free Library all of Oscar Wilde’s books have been taken from the shelves in his name has been stricken from the catalogues. Three-fourths of the patrons of the library are women and all the employees are girls. Mayor Lebkurcher told a reporter of the World that no explanation would be made.
"The books were cast out," said librarian Frank Hill. "The reason is patent."
A New York newsdealer reports an unprecedented number of orders for those London newspapers which printed in full the testimony in the Wilde-Queensberry case.
ST. LOUIS, April 9. - By order of the librarian, the works of Oscar Wilde - poems, stories and plays - were withdrawn from the public library yesterday. The action of the librarian is approved by the Board of Directors.
ST. LOUIS, Mo., April 9. -- By order of the Librarian, the works of Oscar Wilde--"Poems, Stories, and Plays"--were withdrawn from the Public Library yesterday. The action of the Librarian is backed up by the approval of the Board of Directors.