Original paragraph in
The World - Tuesday, May 21, 1895
LONDON, May 21. -- The Marquis of Queensberry and his younger son, Lord Alfred Douglas, had an exciting quarrel in Piccadilly, while that thoroughfare was crowded, this afternoon. They were both arrested, charged with a breach of the peace, and were released on bail.
London, May 21. - The Marquis of Queensberry on his son, Lord Douglas of Hawick had an exciting quarrel in Piccadilly this afternoon. They were both arrested and charged with a breach of the peace and were released on bail.
Lord Alfred received a severe chastisement, while the Marquis showed traces of the scrimmage in his high hat being somewhat battered.
The crowd outside the police station loudly cheered the Marquis, as he emerged from the building after having been released on bail.