[From our own Correspondent.]
London, April 18.

Respecting the nauseous details of the Oscar Wilde case, which have been published in detail in the London papers, a "Disgusted Australian" has recently written to the St. James's Gazette as follows: — "You certainly deserve the thanks of all clean-minded citizens for the highly commendable attitude you have taken in studiously suppressing the disgusting details of the notorious case now proceeding, and it is indeed a pity that your action has not been generally adopted by the daily Press in the best interests of public morality. As an Australian I have, among other things, always been taught to admire and believe in the wholesome purity of the British Press; but this article of faith has undergone a severe shock on reading the unnecessary prominence given to details in this case and other instances, which should not be published for very obvious reasons, but which unhappily are only accorded publicity for the sake of pandering to a morbid curiosity and thereby increasing the desires of a vitiated sensationalism of a section of the public. I am proud to bear my humble testimony to the healthy tone of the Australasian Press, which adopts a wise discretion, and merely records in a formal, dignified way the bare outlines of these wretched blots on our boasted civilization."

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