The Marquis of Queensberry.

The Marquis of Queensberry backing himself to fight his son for a stake of £10,000 is more picturesque than ever. The noble Marquis does not satisfy everybody, but we thank God for his opportune robustness in a matter of considerable contemporary interest. The opinions of the Marquis on sport of all sorts have always been worth having, and it will be grateful news to the wheelmen that Queensberry is not only of them and with them but is "an enthusiastic cyclist." He has lately expressed himself to an interviewer on the subject:- "Take riding. No man was ever fonder of riding or of horses than I have been, but the only riding worth having is what you get in racing or in following hounds, Park riding and that sort of thing is not worth talking about. Well, I got tired of riding, and I have given it up, but from my experience of riding and cycling, I say that cycling is the better and more useful exercise. I know nothing like it to keep one fit." Plainly the Marquis is not afraid of kicking his back or of blending himself and his machine in ungraceful smash. But street dogs are not in the old country allowed in the immunity[sic] they enjoy in this city. Even a cyclist has rights!

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