For once that mysterious and not-easy-to-be-moved person, the Public Prosecutor, has acted promptly. Oscar Wilde took his own time for flight yesterday, perhaps persuaded that the machinery of the law was [...] to stop him. But he never could have [...]. He was shadowed by detectives wherever [...] all the railway stations and ports were [...] the warrant was issued the net [...] closed in. The warrant was not issued five o'clock [...]: but Wilde could have been arrested [...] and the successful shadowing of him on [...] would have resulted in his ultimate capture. It is a dramatic turning of the tables.


The conduct of the defence has almost placed Mr. [...], Q.C., in the position occupied by Lord Russell [...] He has won to the top of his profession in less than a year. Of course Mr. Carson had a [...] reputation in Dublin; but we have seen, [...] that this does not necessarily mean success [...] Although he was suffering from a cold, [...] examination of Oscar Wilde was [...] Russell's best vein. But it was [...], for counsel knew he had a [...] upon the plaintiff.

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