It is stated on good authority that Mrs. Oscar Wilde and her children did not benefit by the large income Wilde was making from his plays. Mrs. Wilde had a fortune of about $24,000 a year when she married, but, as it was chiefly in agricultural rents, her income has almost completely dwindled away of late years. While her husband was spending money freely on his wretched accomplices or victims, his wife and children were almost in want. This fact has been known to her friends for several months, and it has prevented such sympathy as might possibly be felt with a once favorite playwright and author in his degradation.

I hear on good authority that Mrs. Oscar Wilde and her children did not benefit by the large income Wilde was making from his plays. Mrs. Wilde had a fortune of about $2,000 a year when she was married, but, as it was chiefly in agricultural rents, her income has almost completely dwindled away of late years. While her husband was spending money freely on his wretched accomplices, or victims, his wife and children were almost in want. This fact has been known to her friends for several months, and it has prevented such sympathy as might possibly be felt with a once favorite playwright and author in his degradation.

I hear on good authority that Mrs. Oscar Wilde and her children did not benefit by the large income Wilde was making from his plays. Mrs. Wilde had a fortune of $2,000 a year when she married, but, as it was chiefly in agricultural rents, her income has almost dwindled away of late years. While her husband was spending money freely, his wife and children were almost in want. This fact has been known to her friends for several months, and it has prevented such sympathy as might possibly be felt for a once favorite playwright and author in his degradation.

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