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Next report The Cork Examiner - Thursday, April 4, 1895


London, Wednesday. The curious point brought out at the Old Bailey trial to-day of the Queensberry case that Mr Oscar Wilde, although in the legal documents the age was sot forth as 38, is really over 40, seemed to have upset the aesthete who had evidently come prepared with a mouth full of epigrams of the type which he favours. Oscar's attitudinizing in court, both in manner and speech, did not create a very favourable impression, though, of course, for a man holding his particular views of life and morality his position was an excessively unpleasant one. The peculiarly sordid character of the revelations has, of course, excited the greatest interest, and the well-dressed crowd who clamoured for admission to the court seemed anxious to pay any sum for the privilege rather than go home disappointed. Many of Oscar's familiar friends and enemies graced the proceedings with their presence

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