Previous report La Democracia - Monday, May 13, 1895
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Londres, idem idem - Ha sido puesto en libertad bajo fianza, Mr. Oscar Wilde. Se cree que la policía ha recibido intrucciones de no vigilarle ni molestarle, si quiere marcharse al continente.

Los jefes de las iglesias de Inglaterra aconsejan que se evite un nuevo juicio, como también que se impriman de nuevo los detalles de su causa, con todos sus incidentes.


London, ditto ditto - You have been released on bail, Mr. Oscar Wilde. It is believed that the police have been instructed not to monitor or disturb him if he wants to go to the mainland.

The heads of the churches of England advise that a new trial be avoided, as well as that the details of his cause, with all its incidents, be reprinted.

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