Oscar Wilde Has an Inordinate Thirst
for Notoriety
Novel Plea Put Forward in Defense of the Ac-
cused - He Will Probably Be Ad-
mitted to Bail

NEW YORK, May 3. - A London cable to a morning paper says:

Oscar Wilde is now said by his friends to be the victim of mania. Dr. Forbes Winslow and Dr. Blandford, eminent psychologists and specialists in diseases of the mind, are busy in investigating the record of the Wilde family and preparing a diagnosis of the patient's mental and physical condition. It is much more than likely that when Oscar Wilde is next placed on trial the testimony of these learned men will be made a feature of the defense in order to offset the possibility of the next jury finding him guilty of the charges brought against him. The plea will be made that he, guilty or innocent of the crime, is a subject for pathological treatment and not for the laws of vengeance. This course is said to be contemplated by Sir Edward Clarke, Q.C., in opposition to Wilde’s relatives. Secrecy is being observed in the matter and none of those concerned will talk about it.

It's more than likely that when Oscar Wilde is next placed on trial the testimony of these learned men will be made a feature of the defense in order to offset the possibility of the next jury finding him guilty of the charges brought against him. The plea will be made that he, guilty or innocent of the charge, is a subject for pathological treatment, and not for the laws of vengeance. This course is said to be contemplated by Sir Edward Clarke, Q.C., in opposition to the wishes of Wilde’s relatives. Great secrecy is being observed in the matter, and none of those concerned will talk about it.

There is no suggestion that any of Wilde's ancestors were affected, even in a remote way, with the form of degeneracy attributed to him. The heredity problem is far more complex than that. Many forms of nervous disease in parents might produce in the child pathological conditions that would, if unchecked, bring him within the reach of the law. This is generally recognized by physicians and the profession is delighted at the prospect of this point becoming the issue at law. Sir William Wilde, Oscar's father, was remarkably eccentric, although almost a genius as an oculist and as an antiquarian. Oscar Wilde has long been regarded as a subject of the form of insanity called by the French "folie ambitieuse," the signs of which are inordinate vanity and a thirst for notoriety.

There is no suggestion that any of Wilde's ancestors were afflicted, even in a remote way, with the form of degeneracy attributed to him. The heredity problem is far more complex than that. Many forms of nervous disease in parents might produce in the child pathological conditions that would, if unchecked, bring him within the reach of the law. This is generally recognized by physicians, and the profession is delighted at the prospect of this point becoming the issue at law.

LONDON, May 3. - Upon application of counsel for Oscar Wilde, the judge today decided to admit the prisoner to bail . The amount will be fixed tomorrow.

London, May 3– Upon application of counsel for Oscar Wilde, the judge to-day decided to admit the prisoner to bail. The amount will be fixed to-morrow.

London, May 3 — Upon application of counsel for Oscar Wilde, the Judge today decided to admit the prisoner to bail. The amount will be fixed tomorrow.

LONDON, May 3. - Upon application of counsel for Oscar Wilde the Judge to-day decided to admit the prisoner to bail. The amount will be fixed to-morrow.

LONDON, May 3. - Upon application of counsel for Oscar Wilde the Judge to-day decided to admit the prisoner to bail. The amount will be fixed to-morrow.

London, May 3. -- Upon application of counsel for Oscar Wilde, the Judge today decided to admit the prisoner to bail. The amount will be fixed tomorrow.

London, May 3. -- Upon application of counsel for Oscar Wilde the judge to-day decided to admit the prisoner to bail. The amount will be fixed to-morrow.

LONDON, May 3. -- Upon application of counsel for Oscar Wilde, the Judge to-day, decided to admit the prisoner to bail. The amount will be fixed to-morrow.

LONDON, May 3. — Upon application of cousel for Oscar Wilde the Judge to-day decided to admit the prisoner to bail. The amount will be fixed to-morrow.

London, May 3 — Upon application of council for Oscar Wilde the judge today decided to admit the prisoner to bail. The amount will be fixed tomorrow.

LONDON, ENG., May 3. -- Upon application of counsel for Oscar Wilde the Judge to-day decided to admit the prisoner to bail. The amount will be fixed to-morrow.

Upon the application of the counsel for Oscar Wilde the judge to-day decided to admit the prisoner to bail. The amount will be fixed to-morrow.

Upon application of counsel for Oscar Wilde the judge decided to admit the prisoner to bail. The amount will be fixed to-morrow.

Upon application of counsel for Oscar Wilde, the Judge decided to admit the prisoner to bail. The amount will be fixed today.