The Times - Saturday, April 6, 1895

The Central News says:-- "After conferring briefly with his counsel, Sir Edward Clarke, at the Central Criminal Court yesterday morning, Mr. Oscar Wilde proceeded in company with Lord A. Douglas and two other men to the Holborn-viaduct Hotel. The party remained in conference in a private room until 1 o'clock, when they partook of luncheon. At a quarter past 2 the four men drove off in Mr. Wilde's brougham, which had been waiting outside the hotel for a considerable time. Their destination was a bank in St. James's, where a large sum of money was drawn out on a cheque payable to 'self.' From that point Mr. Wilde was lost sight of."

Lord Queensberry's solicitors yesterday stated that it was not his lordship's intention to take the initiative in any criminal prosecution of Mr. Oscar Wilde, but after the finding of the jury in the libel action the whole of the documents, with proofs of the evidence upon which the defence had intended to rely, were forwarded to the Public Prosecutor.

On leaving the Court Mr. Charles Russell, Lord Queensberry's solicitor, addressed the following letter to the Public Prosecutor:-- "37, Norfolk-street, Strand. Re: Oscar Wilde. The Hon. Hamilton Cuffe, Director of Public Prosecutions, The Treasury, Whitehall.--In order that there may be no miscarriage of justice, I think it my duty at once to send you a copy of all our witnesses' statements, together with a copy of the shorthand notes of the trial. Yours faithfully, CHARLES RUSSELL."

At Bow-street, after the luncheon interval, Mr. Angus Lewis, of the Treasury, intimated to Sir John Bridge, who had taken the place of Mr. Vaughan, that he might have occasion during the afternoon to make an important application. The nature of the case did not transpire. Nothing more was said in public, but it was understood that Mr. C. F. Gill, Mr. Angus Lewis, and Mr. Charles Russell waited upon Sir John Bridge in his private room and obtained a warrant for the arrest of Mr. Oscar Wilde. Among those in attendance at the Court during the afternoon were Detective-Inspector Brockwell, of Scotland-yard, and two of the youths referred to during the hearing of the case against the Marquis of Queensberry.

Later in the day Mr. Oscar Wilde was arrested by Inspector Richards at an hotel in Sloane-street. The inspector, who had with him Sergeant Allen, made the arrest about half-past 6 o'clock. When the senior officer asked for Mr. Wilde he was told that he was not there, but on the inspector's insisting, he was conducted to his room. Mr. Wilde had with him two friends, and the inspector stated the object of his visit. Mr.Wilde made no reply, and the party at once drove to Scotland-yard in order to meet Inspector Brockwell, who had the warrant for the arrest. The warrant was read to the prisoner, who made no reply, and after some delay he was brought to Bow-street, arriving there at 8 10 in a four-wheeled cab. Mr. Wilde was the first to alight, and walked straight into the station, followed by the detectives. He did not appear to be at all affected by the circumstances of his position. He was at once placed in the dock, and stood there with his hands in his pockets while the charge was taken down by Inspector Digby. When the charge had been entered Mr. Wilde was taken to the cells. Later Lord Alfred Douglas visited Bow-street in order to see whether he could bail out Mr, Wilde, and appeared much distressed when he was informed that on no consideration could his application be entertained. He then offered to procure extra comforts for the prisoner, but this also was not allowed by the officer on duty. Mr. Wilde occupies an ordinary cell, but will be allowed to supply himself with any extra food he thinks fit. He will be brought up to-day at 10 o'clock at Bow-street.

The Central News says:--"Lord Queensberry states that as soon as the trial ended yesterday he sent this message to Mr Wilde:-- 'If the country allows you to leave all the better for the country; but if you take my son with you I will follow you wherever you go and shoot you.'"

Mr. Oscar Wilde's name was yesterday removed from the play-bills and programmes of the Haymarket and St. James's Theatres, where his plays An Ideal Husband and The Importance of Being Earnest were performed respectively.

Messrs. Ward, Parks, and M'Kay (85, Gracechurch-street), solicitors, write to us as follows with regard to toe Chameleon:--"On behalf of Messrs. Gay and Bird, the publishers of the first and only number of this publication, we ask you to be good enough to allow us to say through your columns that our clients of their own act stopped the sale directly they were aware of the contents of the magazine. Such sale was not stopped at the request of a contributor or any one else. They were requested to renew the sale and refused. Had the trial proceeded, we should, at the proper time, have tendered our clients to give the above facts in evidence."

The Sydney Morning Herald - Monday, April 8, 1895

LONDON, April 5.

Oscar Wilde hurriedly left the court while counsel for the Marquis of Queensberry was explaining that the prosecutor's literature and letters justified the plea that Wilde posed as an immoral person. Wilde withdrew in order to avoid the appalling evidence that he feared would be brought against him by the witnesses for the defence.

The verdict of Not guilty was received in court with loud cheers.

No warrant against Oscar Wilde was applied for, but Mr. Russell, solicitor for the Marquis of Queensberry, sent to the Public Prosecutor a statement of the witnesses and notes of the evidence with the object of preventing a miscarriage of justice.

After the trial Oscar Wilde published a letter in which he stated that his reason for abandoning the case was to avoid calling Lord Alfred Douglas as a witness.

A warrant has been issued for the arrest of Wilde, and the police have detained three essential witnesses in connection with the proceedings which are to be instituted against him.


Oscar Wilde has been arrested.


Lord Alfred Douglas and two men remained in conference with Oscar Wilde for several hours after the trial. They lunched in a private room at the Holborn Viaduct Hotel, after which Lord Alfred Douglas and Wilde drove to one of the banks. Wilde drew out a large sum of money, and was afterwards lost sight of until he was arrested the same evening in an hotel in Sloane-street.

Lord Alfred Douglas was much distressed at the result of the trial. He is unable to provide bail for Wilde's release.

The Marquis of Queensberry sent Oscar Wilde a message after the trial stating that he would shoot him if he attempted to take Lord Alfred Douglas abroad.

The man Taylor, who introduced to Oscar Wilde the young men mentioned during the trial, was arrested to-day.

Both Oscar Wilde and Taylor were brought up at Bow-street Police Court to-day. Several witnesses gave evidence which went to show that the charge now preferred against Wilde can be proved up to tho hilt. It was also shown that Taylor acted as an intermediary for Wilde.

Oscar Wilde's name has been withdrawn from the playbills at the London and American theatres, where Wilde's dramas, "An Ideal Husband" and "The Importance of Being Earnest" are being played.


Paris is petrified in consequence of the exposures in the Oscar Wilde case.

Oscar Wilde has been remanded until Thursday. He has not yet been bailed out.

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