The Evening Journal - Tuesday, May 21, 1895

London, May 20.- Oscar Wilde and Alfred Taylor were arraigned in the Central Criminal Court Old Bailey, this morning, for re-trial. Wilde was accompanied by his sureties, Lord Douglas of Hawick and the Rev. Stuart Hedlam, and entered the dock smilingly. He is obviously very much improved in health and spirits as well.

Sir Edward Clarke asked for a separate trial for Wilde on the ground that the indictment against him differed from that against Taylor.

The court granted Wilde a separate trial, and the first case, that against Taylor, proceeded.

Charles and William Parker, the brothers who gave evidence at the first trial were again called as witnesses and repeated the testimony they gave before, except that the cross-examination to which they were subjected elicited from them further admissions as to their blackmailing practices.

Counsel for Taylor instanced four cases in which the Parker brothers separately or conjointly with Wood and Allen had extorted hush money.

Today's Proceedings.

London, May 21.- The trial of Alfred Taylor was resumed in the Old Bailey Court this morning. Taylor was called to the stand and repeated the statements he made in the witness box at his previous trial. In reply to a question in regard to the visitors at his rooms Taylor asked to be allowed to write their names. The Judge said : "If the names are written I will read them aloud. I don't approve of mystery." Taylor did not write them, but mentioned a few which have already been connected with the case. There were no notable names among them. He denied that he had gone through a marriage ceremony with a man named Mason.

After the libel trial of Wilde against Lord Queensberry, the latter's solicitor he said, had asked him to make a statement against Wilde, but this he had refused to do. He admitted that he had written a letter to the man Mason signing himself "with love."

The evidence was concluded with Taylor's testimony and counsel began his address to the jury.

The Verdict.

The Judge, in summoning up the evidence directed the judge to acquit Taylor as regarded his complicity with the young man Wood, leaving them to decide upon the three charges in which Taylor is alleged to be directly guilty. The jury retired at 3:25 and found Taylor guilty on several accounts in the indictment. The court deferred sentence.

The Boston Globe - Wednesday, May 22, 1895

The marquis of Queensberry met his son, Lord Alfred Douglas, in Piccadilly shortly after the conclusion of the Taylor trial, this afternoon, when he stopped him and abused him roundly for continuing to uphold Wilde.

One report has it that the marquis and Lord Alfred fought in the street with sticks and fists, the son getting the worst of it, showing several bad contusions in the face.

Both Lord Queensberry and his son were arrested and taken to the Vine st police station, followed by a mob. After a short detention in the station the father and son were released.

The marquis upon leaving the police station showed traces of having been engaged in the affray. He was cheered by the crowd until he drove off in a cab.

The marquis of Queensberry and his son, Lord Alfred Douglass, have been summoned to appear in the Marlboro st court tomorrow to answer the charge of disorderly conduct and fighting on the street.

TAYLOR FOUND GUILTY. Court Deferred Passing Sentence on Oscar Wilde's Friend.

LONDON, May 21 - The trial of Alfred Taylor was resumed in the Old Bailey court this morning.

The judge, in summing up the evidence, directed the jury to acquit Taylor as regarded his complicity with the young man, Wood, leaving them to decide upon the three charges in which Taylor is alleged to be directly guilty.

The jury retired at 3.25 p m.

The marquis of Queensberry occupied a seat in the court in the forenoon.

Taylor was found guilty on several counts in the indictment.

The court deferred sentence.

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